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where I could find thingworx.war release 8 for training ?


where I could find thingworx.war release 8 for training ?


I just want to download the thingworx.war release 8 for training, but I can't find it on the download site. I could find thingworx docker installer, utilities, platform postgress .... but not simply the .war


Isabelle Missaire​ : The .war file will be inside the ThingWorx Platform .zip file. If you have the platform postgres zip file then unzip it do get the Thingworx.war file.


Thank you Durgesh, Indeed I can find it.

Another question please, when I deploy it on tomcat application, I had an issue around innaccebility site and I'm wondering if I miss the steps to fill "in the java Options field, type the appropriat java options, as described in the wiki" because I have not found the wiki. (extract from ThingWorx installation prerequisites (for all platforms document).

So I have not modified tomcat properties java and  I have :





Moreover, I want to use tomcat 8.xx with java 1.7.xx : it is indicated as compatible.

Apache Tomcat/

thank you for your help


Please follow Tomcat configuration from the ThingWorx 8 installation guide starting page 5.

Go to Start->Configure Tomcat->Java Tab

And add the following lines

-Dserver -Dd64



-Djava.library.path=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\Thingworx\WEB-INF\extensions (please make sure you specify your path to the Tomcat->)

And, we recommend using jdk 1.8 . Please refer to the Thingworx 8 System Requirement document before you proceed with the installation.



THank you very much for this guide, more detailed than which I used.

I have updated also java release to 1.8.0_144-b01

But when I deploy thingworx.war on tomcat application, I had always the issue around innaccebility site.

maybe environment varables to update ? in windows environment.

I have not install postgress yet, but for me, it is not the issu for the tomcat deployment.

Thank you for your help.




Glad it helped! Is the platform still inaccessible? If so ,could you attach a screenshot of your java configuration?

Did you put the license.bin file in ThingworxPlatform folder? If not, please create the ThingworxPlatform folder in the root drive(default C:) and give it full access.


tomcat java configuration.png

I have also added :


but I can see others options in your screen about : endorsed, io.tmpdir I don't have

thank you


Thank you, with license, I 'm progressing, I can see Thingworx started in tomcat application, but empty page with browser localhost/Thingworx while I'm waiting for "following login information".

I have ThingworxPlatform and ThingworxStorage folders created.

thank you for your help



Hi Isabelle,

Can you please share the Application log from ThingworxStorage folder and catalina.log from Tomcat logs folder?

thank you if you could help me. I have not install PostgreSQL yet.


Your error message says [message: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!]. Please install Postgres by following the installation guide I had provided earlier. Let us know if you face any issues!


I'm installing postgresql and some questions please :

- thingworxPostgresDBSetup.bat : I have added : thingworxpostgresDBSetup –a postgres –u <adminPGSQL> –l C:\ThingworxPostgresqlStorage 

but how can I Execute it (I want to execute it as administato) ? I put my password that I added when I hace created the new role adminPGSQL : but error authentication

- no modification for thingworxPostgresSchemaSetup.bat, I want to execute it as administator , and it asks me password for twadmin I don't know.

Thank you for your help



Hi Isabelle,

The new role that you created in PGAdmin must match the username and password in platform-settings.json located in your ThingworxPlatform folder.

The default role is twadmin and password is password.

You can run your DBSetup.bat by Start->cmd->Run as Administrator

Could you please attach your DBSetup.bat file?


Hi Isabelle,

You need to create twadmin user via pgadmin3 tool. Please follow the below steps to create twadmin user:

  • Open pgadmin3 tool
  • Right Click PostgreSQL9.4->New Object->New login role

  • On the Properties tab, in the Role name filed, enter the user name(twadmin)
  • On the definitions tab, in the password filed, enter a Unique password
  • click ok

Right click the thingworxPostgresDBSetup.bat file, run the file as administrator

Right click ScemaSetup.bat file and run it as administrator

Place the platform-settings.json file in /thingwroxPlatform folder

Open the Platform-settings.json file and update the twadmin password

So I modified the password for twadmin (password) by twadmin in platform-settings.json file and I put it  in /thingwroxPlatform folder

I created a new role twadmin

but when I execute thingworwPostgresDBSetup.bat with user twadmin, and password twadmin, error message : the role "twadmin" is not allowed to connect. Same thing for thingworwPostgresSchemaSetup.bat.




Please download Postgres 9.4 .

Postgres 9.6 is not currently supported. And follow the blog from the link below to fully remove 9.6 and install 9.4 instead.

Ensuring PostgreSQL database is fully removed


Yes, 9.6 version is not supported at this time. Please download 9.4 version as suggested by Janet and if you still have an issue with twadmin user, please follow the steps mentioned in the below comment.

Thank you!


Hi Isabelle,

Can you please assign create DB permissions to the twadmin user.

Open pgadmin3 tool  --> click the twadmin user--> Go to Role Privilages tab and select "can create database" option.

Let me know if this resolved the issue.

I added also rights to login and the login is ok now but I have : the database "thingworx" doesn't exist

and if it is an issue with 9.6, I will fully remove 9.6 and install 9.4 instead. I'am waiting / database thinhworx doesn't exist error


You could try deleting "PG_9.####" folder in ThingworxPostgresqlStorage and running the bat files again for the error.


thingworxPostgresDBsetup.bat file creates thingworx database and tablespace. So no need of creating them manually. Please let me know if they are not created automatically after running those .bat files.

Thanks Yamini but I can't run those .bat files, I begin with the :

- thingworxPostgresDBSetup.bat :

-- I have give all rights to twadmin, see image joined,

-- I have add the line with twadmin in the .bat :

REM Run psql

psql.exe -q -h %server% -d postgres -U %adminusername% -p %port% -v database=%database% -v tablespace=%tablespace% -v username=%thingworxusername% -v tablespace_location=%tablespace_location% -f ./thingworx-database-setup.sql

thingworxpostgresDBSetup –a postgres –u twadmin –l C:\ThingworxPostgresqlStorage


See file joined

-- and I obtained password authenticatin erro, see file joined at the execution

thanks for your help



Hi Isabelle,

Please make sure that you are using the postgres super-user password (created while installing PostgreSQL) when prompted to enter the password. To find the postgres user password:

  • Open the pgadmin3 tool
  • Click on the Login Roles
  • Select postgres user and view the password you have set for this user.

ok it is better indeed but issue for DB doesn't exist


Here are the steps I need you to follow:

  • Please run the thingworxPostgresDBCleanup script file.
  • Delete thingworx tablespace, if it exists.
  • Run the DBsetup and schemaSetup files.

run the thingworxPostgresDBCleanup script file. : the DB thingwors doesn't exist

The thingworx tablespace doesn't exist

Run the DBsetup : same thing


Try updating the Tablespace Location value in the PostgresDBSetup.bat file to the corresponding location. For example, if you've created directory in C drive then update it as C:\ThingworxPostgresqlStorage .


Also ensure the ThingworxPostgresStorage folder has permission set to Full control.


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