Hi, I'm trying to install and configure PTC Navigate in Thingworx 7.1.
I follow every single steps and It works fine untill i try to import the "PTCNavigate_Example-1.3.0-04-imports.xml" file. It throws me the next error:
Error importing: error, Import Failed: Validation Failure: Thing CompositeEpmDocumentResourceProvider Had An Invalid Thing Template : [PTC.Resource.FlattenedCompositeResourceProviderTemplate]
Here is an image if you want to check it..
I would appreciate your help. Thank You.
Ronald, are you following an import sequence? It's missing a Template, most likely from another Entity import. Are there any other xml files remaining?
Hi, Aanjan, Thank you for your response.
Yes, I've followed every step on the installation guide, importing all files with success except that one.
This is the guide im following.
Did you import the 'TWX_Converge_Core_ExtensionPackage' extension already? It's part of the ThingWorx Utilities package.
Yes, I did. Actually, It was the first package i imported.
If so, do you have a template called "PTC.Resource.FlattenedCompositeResourceProviderTemplate"?
No, I don't have it.
Please try re-importing the 'TWX_Converge_Core_ExtensionPackage' as that seems to have the Thing Template you're missing.
I already did it. Like three times and did the same with the other packages.