Ability to require a Vuforia Vantage user to enter a serial ID for an object
The serial ID entered will appear as a field in Vuforia Insights and will tie the physical object to a session
Ability to require different kinds of feedback for individual steps
Bug fixes and minor improvements
Vuforia Vantage
Ability to enter a serial ID for an object if required
Ability to enter different types of feedback for steps if enabled
Bug fixes and minor improvements
Vuforia View
Procedure playback is no longer supported in Vuforia View for mobile devices and tablets
Bug fixes and minor improvements
Vuforia Insights
New Serial ID column that displays the serial ID of the object entered by the Vuforia Vantage user
New Procedure Status column
A procedure session is marked as pass if one or more steps require Pass/Fail feedback and no failures are provided. A session is marked as fail if one or more steps are marked as fail.
New filter panel with options to filter by date range and procedure status