- If the experience project exists in Vuforia Studio
- Unpublish the project by hovering over the project and clicking the unpublish project Experiences icon
. This action removes Experiences from the Experience Service.
If the experience project does not exist in Vuforia Studio
- Using CURL Command
- Curl -u <username>:<password> -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" -X "DELETE" https://<your-domain-name>/ExperienceService/content/projects/<projectname>
- username: Experience Service username
- password: Experience Service password
- your-domain-name: Experience Service domain
- projectname: Experience project name to be deleted
- Using REST call from Postman
- Select query method as 'DELETE'
- Enter the URL as https://<your-domain-name>/ExperienceService/content/projects/<project-name>
- your-domain-name: Experience Service domain
- projectname: Experience project name to be deleted
- In Authorization menu
- Choose Authorization type as 'Basic Auth'.
- Add the user credentials and update request.