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What's New in Vuforia Studio 9.10.0

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Vuforia Studio

NOTE: For information on how the new appx bundle can be deployed, see this post

  • Vuforia Studio is now available for download from the Microsoft Store for Windows OS.
    • While the existing Vuforia Studio installer will still be available in 9.10.0, we encourage you to use the new Microsoft Store download (appxbundle) that is now available, as the legacy installer will no longer be available on the PTC Software Download page with the next release of Vuforia Studio.
  • A new app package (appxbundle) installer is now available on the PTC Software Downloads page for installing in a closed network environment on Windows OS.
    • While the existing Vuforia Studio restricted (legacy) installer will still be available in 9.10.0, we encourage you to use the new app package installer that is now available on the PTC Software Downloads page, as the restricted (legacy) installer will no longer be available with the next release of Vuforia Studio.
  • As of April 30th, 2023, the Vuforia Area Target Creator app will be deprecated and removed from the Apple App Store. We recommend extracting and saving all Area Targets from the Vuforia Area Target Creator app before this date. For information about retrieving your Area Targets, see the “Extracting Area Targets” section under Testing Area Targets. Going forward, we also recommend using the new Vuforia Creator app to create Area Targets. For more information about creating Area Targets for use with Vuforia Studio, see Create an Area Target.

Vuforia View

  • There are no new features or updates for the 9.10.0 version of the Vuforia View.

Experience Service

  • There are no new features or updates for the 9.10.0 version of the Experience Service.

Bug fixes

  • See Bug Fixes for additional information on bugs resolved in this release
Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 05, 2023 11:05 AM
Updated by:
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