Hi All,
I would ask if it is possible to hide or show popup when navigating from a different view?
Example :
In view 1, popup 1 is shown. However, when navigating from view 2 to view 1 by a button, popup 2 will show and popup 1 will hide.
Thank you
Hi @AY2021S1 ,
the popup is a widget of the View-> and is not generic dialog finction. So means that you can show the popup widget only when the view is displayed where the popup belogns to.
What we can do:
-create a duplicate copy of the popup for each view where it should be shown. You can use some automatic function when you navigate:
$scope.goToViewPopup(viewName, popupName){
$scope.$applyAsync();//not required
$timeout($scope.$root.$broadcast('app.view["'+viewName+'"].wdg["'+popupName+'"].svc.showpopup'),500);//delay to be ensure that view is loaded value to be optimized after tests
in case that you want to use the view menu to change /select the view. Then you can use Event callback:
$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function () { //when 2d view is intilized
console.log("ionicView.afterEnter event called !")
The example above is view specific. So means the code e.g. for the view "TestView" and it should be pasted in TestView.js -> this means therefore the view name could be hardcoded!
The name of the popup could be also hardcoded but also could be red from parameter name e.g. POPUPNAME: