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Dear Team,
I have published a project outside of vuforia studio using
curl -u <userId>:<password> -F ThingXExperience=@<> -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" https://localhost:2019/ExperienceService/content/projects/
and project is published successfully, But if I try to open ThingWorx view from browser using http://xxxxx/ExperienceService/content/projects/project_name/index-desktop.html?
it ask user name & Password. It was not the case 4 months before.
I also set "accessType": "public", in metadata.json.
I tested publishing project within Vuforia studio and tried ThingWorx View URL in browser it works without asking Username & Password.
Can you please help me on this, I need to publish project outside of vuforia studio and i need to access ThingWorx view in browser without asking username & password. Thanks
Hi @Naveen_K,
you can also use the Studio UI and unpublish the proejct.
Later you can publish the proejct. What is the effect then?
In generally regarding to this issue - there could be found related informaiton in some PTC TechSupport articles -> example:
saying in resoltuion something like this:
Also possibly the following configuration.json option could be tested if they have effect on this behavior:
curl -u <userId>:<password> -H "Accept:application/json" http://xxxxx/ExperienceService/ExperienceService/content/projects/project_name/access
which should return the value example :
here the output is for project which is reported by ES as not public
curl -u <userId>:<password> -H "Accept:application/json" http://xxxxx/ExperienceService/ExperienceService/content/projects/ >>output_data.txt
and check then in the output the data what is returned - so possibly you can find some setting
curl -u user:password -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -F "" https://localhost:2019/ExperienceService/content/projects/
curl -X PUT -u user:password -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -F "" https://localhost:2019/ExperienceService/content/projects/myproject
curl -u user:password -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -F "" https://localhost:2019/ExperienceService/content/projects?replace=true
curl -u user:password -H "Content-Type: Application/JSON" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" -X "DELETE" https://localhost:2019/ExperienceService/content/projects/myproject/
I did use such calls in the past but could not remember to have some issue as described in your topic so possibly you can check if this info is helpful in your case. Thanks