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I still have 15 days left on vuforia studio trial. But I am unable to login or publish my experience in vuforia studio with error 'configure failed'. Please look into this ASAP.
Hi @Rakesh_Singh,
Could you please share the studio log and the error message that is displayed when performing the auto-configuration.
Could you please send us the Logs as Yamini requested in the reply on you thread.
Also please send us Experience service URL and your user id for account login.
The log fine error log is -
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] [0mPOST /api/publish/ [31m500 [0m26.172 ms - 42[0m
s - 1800[0m
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at required (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\Vufori[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at required (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\requires-port\index.js:13:23)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at Object.common.setupOutgoing (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\http-proxy\lib\http-proxy\common.js:101:7)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\http-proxy\lib\http-proxy\passes\web-incoming.js:127:14)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at ProxyServer.<anonymous> (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\http-proxy\lib\http-proxy\index.js:81:21)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\dist\server\routes\router\proxy.js:53:11
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at next (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:137:13)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at Route.dispatch (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:112:3)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
[08/13/2018 14:06:04] at C:\Users\a285424\AppData\Roaming\VuforiaStudio\\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:281:22
Experience URL -
User id -
Thank you for sharing the logs. Could you please confirm the below:
1) Are yo able to login on , if yes Is there any message on the wall.
2) Are you able to validate Experience service url.
Regards: Mohit
From browser or from studio?
From Browser.
I am able to login to from browser. Can u let me know how to validate the experiene URL?
Open Studio instance and try with a new test project<info<Experience service . You can see below screenshot. Just check if this is working. Meanwhile i am checking with dev-ops team if everything is ok with this instance.
Do let me know in case of any question.
when i click on authenticate, i am getting the below error.
Could you please ping this url and see what it returns:
Also please try to validate Experience service url with some other network, May be some firewall is blocking this. I confirmed with dev-ops team this Experience service url is up and working.
Ping is working fine. I am getting response as OK