Hi all,
To show different time in vuforia studio we written the code in Home.js .and it showing the time perfect.Now we want to show the clocks as below images.Is any body know about this can you share the information how it should be done.
Hi thrinath,
right now, there is no "analog watch" -widget in vuforia studio. You could try to use the gauge widged. Then you need to set the max. value to 12, gauge span to full circle, and write a code, that ads 100/60 to the gauge value once every minute. Honestly, I don't think that this would be a nice workaround.
You could try something like this:
But this requires some advanced programming skills.
You would need to copy the css code here:
The JS code here:
And evoke it maybe with this:
Hi @whity
Thanks for your support.The code which you send to try is getting Error in Home.js is there any another code to make in vuforia studio