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vuforia studio show thingworx mashup

5-Regular Member

vuforia studio show thingworx mashup

Display your Thingworx mashups confidently in Vuforia Studio (popups, panels, etc.).


Translated by the moderation using Google Translate

Vuforia Studio에서(팝업, 패널 등)에서 Thingworx 매시업을 표시하고 자신있습니다.


Hi @SY_10344805,


Thank you for your question! 


I’d like to recommend to bring more details and context to your initial inquiry. 

It also helps to have screenshot(s) to better understand what you are trying to do in your process. 


Please refer to this guideline to make your questions more likely to receive a quick and useful answer. 

This will increase your chances to receive meaningful help from other Community members. 


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Thank you for your participation and please let me know if you need further assistance! 


Best regards,

PTC Community Moderator

Hi @SY_10344805 ,

as @Catalina  mentioned there are no enogh details to understand the issue.

So there are /possible when it is  correct translated/ 2 key word's

display mashup - 

  • you can display the data of a meshup in STudio where you can bind the properties and then you can  desing/new desing/ the mashup only with 2D and 3D Vuforia STudio widget. So means you will you only the data what you use in the mashup- required some work to redisgn the mashup in Vuforia Studio environment with the same data. Possibly not all TWX widget could be redisgned in the Vuforia Studio.
  • you can call the Mashup as link e.g. Hyperlink widget where the URL properties will refer to the mashup link or you can try to set window.location= URL  in JS or window.location.ref =URL /behavior different depending on OS /HoloLens , Android or IOS  


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