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Changing Your Username


Changing Your Username

Good day everyone,

We have received requests from community members to have control over their username and I am happy to write that members have been given the ability to update their own username.  

If you would like to change your username, please update this setting within your profile:

  1. From your profile picture in the top menu bar: select My Settings
  2. Update your username and confirm by clicking "Change Username" in the middle of the screen

Please note, there is only one username view within PTC Community and changing it often may confuse other members.  Please choose a name you feel comfortable sharing with all community vistors.

Thank you,



23-Emerald IV

I'm noticing that changing the username doesn't change any existing @ mentions.  Do you have a way to do a find & replace on those?

Great question Tom - I will ask.

Good day @TomU

When a username is changed past mentions will not be forwarded.

Notifications for the old username are not deleted for that user.




23-Emerald III

No spaces or underscores allowed - invalid character warning.


Agree with the spaces but allowed an underscore..
Ian C
23-Emerald III

Tried several times both ways. (Maybe I had a space at the end of my name or something.)


It did take me a few attempts 🙂
Ian C

Now all we need is to get the From "Community Mailer" to be From "Username" !!!!
Ian C

Info for @Tmetcalf: I cannot set my username to Martin Hanák.

Martin Hanák

Hello @MartinHanak

This error is casued because a space is not allowed; this gap can be filled with an underscore.





Yes, I agree very much!  I wish I could see the usernames in my email inbox (notifications).  We had this functionality in Jive.


This is on the radar, right?  Just double checking.



I will check on that functionality @BenPerry

23-Emerald IV


I think we're talking past each other.


I said:

I'm noticing that changing the username doesn't change any existing @ mentions.  Do you have a way to do a find & replace on those?

You said:

When a username is changed past mentions will not be forwarded. Notifications for the old username are not deleted for that user.

I think you are answering different questions than the one I was actually asking.  Let me attempt to address each one individually.


1.)  "When a username is changed past mentions will not be forwarded."  This is not correct.  The username is simply the text that Lithium displays for the underlying user ID.  The ID itself does not change.  @ mentions displaying the old username and @ mentions displaying the new username both point to the same URL.  No forwarding is required.  Both the old and new @ mentions continue to function just fine.  (See this post for an example.)


2.)  "Notifications for the old username are not deleted for that user."  Not sure what you're trying to say here.  Notifications are triggered immediately when the @ mention is posted.  There is no need to change old notifications a user has already received for past @ mentions.


3.)  "changing the username doesn't change any existing @ mentions.  Do you have a way to do a find & replace on those?"  I'm not trying to change notifications and I'm not trying to change the underlying link.  I'm trying to find out if the displayed text in old posts can be updated to reflect the new username?  This type of find and replace was done previously with Jive to remove email addresses, etc. after other migrations.


The whole point of changing the username was to control visibility of personally identifying information to those who are not members of the community.  The selection of new usernames by PTC during the migration to Lithium and then making them publicly visible without our consent was insecure and inappropriate.  Changing the username fixes this going forward but it does nothing to help clean up the vulnerability that already exists.


How do we update the old @ mention text to reflect the new username?  I'm 100% positive this is possible at the database level.  If Lithium is not willing/able to do this, then maybe the only other solution left is to simply delete all posts and replies where this text string still appears...



@BenPerry I am sorry, but we cannot place who responded within the email notification.

In my Outlook, I have a preview set which showes the body of the email, so I can see the username of the person who posted or responded.  



23-Emerald IV

... we cannot place who responded within the email notification.

This is really disappointing.  Seems like every time we turn around Lithium can't do something that Jive was capable of doing.  Any chance we can switch back?  The repeated loss of functionality is painful.  Smiley Sad

@TomU Thank you for clarifying and I will follow up on this:


"How do we update the old @ mention text to reflect the new username?"




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