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// Aktif oturum kullanıcısını sakla originalUser = wt.session.SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal();
wt.pom.Transaction trx = new wt.pom.Transaction();
// Promotion Notice nesnesini alın
wt.maturity.PromotionNotice promotionNotice = (wt.maturity.PromotionNotice) primaryBusinessObject;
// Promotion Notice'in ait olduğu konteyneri alın
wt.inf.container.WTContainer container = promotionNotice.getContainer();
wt.inf.container.WTContainerRef containerRef = wt.inf.container.WTContainerRef.newWTContainerRef(container);
// Promotion Notice'e bağlı nesneleri bul
wt.fc.collections.WTSet associatedObjects = new wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet();
wt.fc.QueryResult queryResult = wt.maturity.MaturityHelper.service.getPromotionTargets(promotionNotice);
while (queryResult.hasMoreElements()) {
Object target = queryResult.nextElement();
if (target instanceof wt.doc.WTDocument || target instanceof wt.epm.EPMDocument || target instanceof wt.part.WTPart) {
associatedObjects.add(target); // İlgili nesneleri set'e ekle
java.util.Vector<Object> associatedVector = new java.util.Vector<>(); // java.util.Vector kullanımı
try {
// Yeni bir Review (Change Review) oluştur
wt.change2.WTChangeReview changeReview = wt.change2.WTChangeReview.newWTChangeReview();
changeReview.setContainerReference(containerRef); // Konteyner referansı ayarla
changeReview.setName("Review for Promotion Notice: " + promotionNotice.getName()); // İsim belirle
changeReview.setDescription("Automatically created Review for Promotion Notice: " + promotionNotice.getNumber()); // Açıklama ekle
// Review'ün tipini ayarla (örnek: Review tipi)
associatedVector = wt.change2.ChangeHelper2.service.storeAssociations(wt.change2.AffectedActivityData.class, changeReview, associatedVector);
associatedVector = wt.change2.ChangeHelper2.service.saveAffectedActivityData(associatedVector);
// Review nesnesini kaydet
changeReview = (wt.change2.WTChangeReview);
trx.commit(); // İşlemi tamamla
trx = null; // Transaction nesnesini sıfırla
} catch (Exception e) {
if (trx != null) {
try {
trx.rollback(); // İşlemi geri al
} catch (Exception rollbackException) {
e.printStackTrace(); // Hataları logla
} finally {
// Orijinal kullanıcıyı geri yükle
// Transaction nesnesini temizle
if (trx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception finalRollbackException) {
Version: Windchill 12.0
I want to automatically initiate a ChangeReview at a specific stage within the Promotion Notice. Additionally, I want to retrieve the objects within the Promotion Notice and add them as review objects to the newly created review. How can I achieve this using Windchill APIs. I'm not having any issues creating the ChangeReview, but I am unable to add the objects from the Promotion Notice into the ChangeReview.
Very doable.
Here's a Promotion Request with three objects set for promotion.
I initiate my test workflow that has a variable to store the Change Review that will be automatically created by the workflow. This variable is used just to make it easy to open the Change Review object after it is created by the workflow. It's not required.
The workflow is advanced to run the code to create the Change Review and add the promotion objects to the Change Review. The workflow variable now displays a link the newly created Change Review
Opening the Change Review object by clicking on the link show the promotion objects on the Promotion Request are now also on the Change Review object as Review Objects.
Seems to be bombproof. 😊
Great! This is exactly what I want, could you share the code with me?
@d_graham wrote:Very doable.
Here's a Promotion Request with three objects set for promotion.
I initiate my test workflow that has a variable to store the Change Review that will be automatically created by the workflow. This variable is used just to make it easy to open the Change Review object after it is created by the workflow. It's not required.
The workflow is advanced to run the code to create the Change Review and add the promotion objects to the Change Review. The workflow variable now displays a link the newly created Change Review
Opening the Change Review object by clicking on the link show the promotion objects on the Promotion Request are now also on the Change Review object as Review Objects.
Seems to be bombproof. 😊
@d_graham wrote:Very doable.
Here's a Promotion Request with three objects set for promotion.
I initiate my test workflow that has a variable to store the Change Review that will be automatically created by the workflow. This variable is used just to make it easy to open the Change Review object after it is created by the workflow. It's not required.
The workflow is advanced to run the code to create the Change Review and add the promotion objects to the Change Review. The workflow variable now displays a link the newly created Change Review
Opening the Change Review object by clicking on the link show the promotion objects on the Promotion Request are now also on the Change Review object as Review Objects.
Seems to be bombproof. 😊