// Aktif oturum kullanıcısını sakla
wt.org.WTPrincipal originalUser = wt.session.SessionHelper.manager.getPrincipal();
wt.pom.Transaction trx = new wt.pom.Transaction();
// Promotion Notice nesnesini alın
wt.maturity.PromotionNotice promotionNotice = (wt.maturity.PromotionNotice) primaryBusinessObject;
// Promotion Notice'in ait olduğu konteyneri alın
wt.inf.container.WTContainer container = promotionNotice.getContainer();
wt.inf.container.WTContainerRef containerRef = wt.inf.container.WTContainerRef.newWTContainerRef(container);
// Promotion Notice'e bağlı nesneleri bul
wt.fc.collections.WTSet associatedObjects = new wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet();
wt.fc.QueryResult queryResult = wt.maturity.MaturityHelper.service.getPromotionTargets(promotionNotice);
while (queryResult.hasMoreElements()) {
Object target = queryResult.nextElement();
if (target instanceof wt.doc.WTDocument || target instanceof wt.epm.EPMDocument || target instanceof wt.part.WTPart) {
associatedObjects.add(target); // İlgili nesneleri set'e ekle
java.util.Vector<Object> associatedVector = new java.util.Vector<>(); // java.util.Vector kullanımı
try {
// Yeni bir Review (Change Review) oluştur
wt.change2.WTChangeReview changeReview = wt.change2.WTChangeReview.newWTChangeReview();
changeReview.setContainerReference(containerRef); // Konteyner referansı ayarla
changeReview.setName("Review for Promotion Notice: " + promotionNotice.getName()); // İsim belirle
changeReview.setDescription("Automatically created Review for Promotion Notice: " + promotionNotice.getNumber()); // Açıklama ekle
// Review'ün tipini ayarla (örnek: Review tipi)
associatedVector = wt.change2.ChangeHelper2.service.storeAssociations(wt.change2.AffectedActivityData.class, changeReview, associatedVector);
associatedVector = wt.change2.ChangeHelper2.service.saveAffectedActivityData(associatedVector);
// Review nesnesini kaydet
changeReview = (wt.change2.WTChangeReview) wt.fc.PersistenceHelper.manager.save(changeReview);
trx.commit(); // İşlemi tamamla
trx = null; // Transaction nesnesini sıfırla
} catch (Exception e) {
if (trx != null) {
try {
trx.rollback(); // İşlemi geri al
} catch (Exception rollbackException) {
e.printStackTrace(); // Hataları logla
} finally {
// Orijinal kullanıcıyı geri yükle
// Transaction nesnesini temizle
if (trx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception finalRollbackException) {
Version: Windchill 12.0
I want to automatically initiate a ChangeReview at a specific stage within the Promotion Notice. Additionally, I want to retrieve the objects within the Promotion Notice and add them as review objects to the newly created review. How can I achieve this using Windchill APIs. I'm not having any issues creating the ChangeReview, but I am unable to add the objects from the Promotion Notice into the ChangeReview.