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Attribute Internal Name Name: ProjeAdi
Enumaration Internal Name: ProjeAdi
Enumaration Value:
Internal Name: AProject, Display Name: A Projesi
Internal Name: BProject, Display Name: B Projesi
wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem chg = (wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem)primaryBusinessObject;
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter obj = new
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter(chg,null,java.util.Locale.US,new com.ptc.core.meta.common.DisplayOperationIdentifier());
IRNoVar = (String) obj.get ("number");
System.out.println("IRNoVar = "+IRNoVar);
IRAdiVar = (String) obj.get ("name");
System.out.println("IRAdiVar = "+IRAdiVar);
IRKategoriVar = (String) obj.get ("theCategory");
System.out.println("IRKategoriVar = "+IRKategoriVar);
IRProjeAdiVar = (String) obj.get ("ProjeAdi");
System.out.println("IRProjeAdiVar = "+IRProjeAdiVar);
In notification mail IRProjeAdiVar display name is Project Name
This code was written in windchill workflow expression robot.
The output value here is;
Project Name: AProject
But what we want here is,
Project Name : A Projesi.
How should I edit this code to get the output I want?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @MI_10060660
You should have known how to do so. You need to declare full class definition and also you can not write own method in the expresion.
wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem object = (wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem)primaryBusinessObject;
java.util.Locale locale = java.util.Locale.US;
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter persistableAdapter = new com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter(object, null,locale , null);
java.lang.Object attributeValue = persistableAdapter.get(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
com.ptc.core.meta.container.common.AttributeTypeSummary attributeTypeSummary = persistableAdapter.getAttributeDescriptor(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
com.ptc.core.meta.common.DataSet ds = attributeTypeSummary.getLegalValueSet();
// Enum
com.ptc.core.meta.common.EnumerationEntryIdentifier eei = ((com.ptc.core.meta.common.EnumeratedSet) ds).getElementByKey(attributeValue.toString());
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory eevf = new com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory();
wt.meta.LocalizedValues localizedValues = eevf.get(eei, locale);
String displayName = localizedValues == null ? attributeValue.toString() : localizedValues.getDisplay();
Do not forget to look in a background log file if something goes wrong - there is not a type check so there can be some Can not cast error.
Try the same with legal value constraint
Unfortunately, I cannot do this. There is a cascading attributes with enumeration.
Hi @MI_10060660
Try this code
PersistableAdapter persistableAdapter = new PersistableAdapter(object, null, locale, null);
Object attributeValue = persistableAdapter.get(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
AttributeTypeSummary attributeTypeSummary = persistableAdapter.getAttributeDescriptor(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
String displayName = getDisplayValue(attributeValue, attributeTypeSummary, locale);
private static String getDisplayValue(Object attributeValue, AttributeTypeSummary ats, Locale locale) {
String result;
DataSet ds = ats.getLegalValueSet();
if (attributeValue instanceof Timestamp) {
// Date
String dataFormat = ats.getDateDisplayFormat();
if (dataFormat == null || dataFormat.isEmpty()) {
dataFormat = DateFormatter.getDefaultDisplayFormat(false, locale);
result = getDisplayDateValue((Timestamp) attributeValue, dataFormat, locale);
} else if (attributeValue instanceof Number && !(attributeValue instanceof FloatingPointWithUnits)) {
// Number type
result = attributeValue.toString();
} else if (attributeValue instanceof String && ds != null && ds instanceof EnumeratedSet) {
// Enum
EnumerationEntryIdentifier eei = ((EnumeratedSet) ds).getElementByKey(attributeValue.toString());
LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory eevf = new LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory();
LocalizedValues localizedValues = eevf.get(eei, locale);
result = localizedValues == null ? attributeValue.toString() : localizedValues.getDisplay();
} else {
result = DataTypesUtility.toString(attributeValue, locale);
return result;
I tried this code but I couldn't run it and therefore I didn't get any results.
Hi @MI_10060660
The code can not be used directly in workflow
You need to create own class to use this code and call it from the workflow
or rewrite the code with all unnecessary definition and then you can use it in the workflow
I tried but there was no solution.
Hi @MI_10060660
What do you mean no solution? The code works and give you an enumeration display name.
EnumerationEntryIdentifier eei = ((EnumeratedSet) ds).getElementByKey(attributeValue.toString());
LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory eevf = new LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory();
LocalizedValues localizedValues = eevf.get(eei, locale);
result = localizedValues == null ? attributeValue.toString() : localizedValues.getDisplay();
Could you give me an example code in workflow?
Hi @MI_10060660
You should have known how to do so. You need to declare full class definition and also you can not write own method in the expresion.
wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem object = (wt.change2.VersionableChangeItem)primaryBusinessObject;
java.util.Locale locale = java.util.Locale.US;
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter persistableAdapter = new com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter(object, null,locale , null);
java.lang.Object attributeValue = persistableAdapter.get(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
com.ptc.core.meta.container.common.AttributeTypeSummary attributeTypeSummary = persistableAdapter.getAttributeDescriptor(ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_NAME);
com.ptc.core.meta.common.DataSet ds = attributeTypeSummary.getLegalValueSet();
// Enum
com.ptc.core.meta.common.EnumerationEntryIdentifier eei = ((com.ptc.core.meta.common.EnumeratedSet) ds).getElementByKey(attributeValue.toString());
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory eevf = new com.ptc.core.lwc.server.LWCEnumerationEntryValuesFactory();
wt.meta.LocalizedValues localizedValues = eevf.get(eei, locale);
String displayName = localizedValues == null ? attributeValue.toString() : localizedValues.getDisplay();
Do not forget to look in a background log file if something goes wrong - there is not a type check so there can be some Can not cast error.
I still haven't gotten a complete solution to my problem.