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Hello. I am trying to find the specific revision of an object(WTPart/WTDoc). For instance, if I pass in 0.3 or A.1 can I have an api that returns that specific part revision? I am not looking for the previous version just the specific one in the history
Hi @WM_9965332
You have to search for it manually.
So you need to go through all iterations and control what iteration and revision are.
So you are looking for the code that strips out the iteration part of the version?
I re-read this. If you are supplying the version identifier, you want the object returned. Ok, did something like that for a static URL content retriever JSP page:
I took in a version letter and looped through the versions to find the one that matched. The VersionControlHelper has other methods to show all iterations.
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(WTDocumentMaster.class);
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(WTDocumentMaster.class,WTDocumentMaster.NUMBER,SearchCondition.EQUAL, number));
QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);
WTDocumentMaster docm = (WTDocumentMaster) qr.nextElement();
QueryResult qrLatest = VersionControlHelper.service.allVersionsOf(docm);
WTDocument doc = (WTDocument) qrLatest.nextElement();
if (version!= null)
if (!(doc.getVersionIdentifier().getValue().equals(version)))