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I am connecting one part to another in wtpPart to retrieve the AlternateNumber through Windchill. It appears in WtpartAlternateLink, but when I check the part via servlet/odata/ProdMgmt/Parts('OR:wt.part.WTPart:#######'), the 'AlternateNumber' comes as null. Can you please help me understand the reason for this? Is there a different method to add AlternateNumber to a part through Windchill? If so, could you please explain?
The Alternate Number attribute that you see, seems to be different from WtpartAlternateLink.
If you are trying to create a new WtpartAlternateLink between 2 parts, you have to create a new custom code as it is not available in OOTB
of if you are trying to just fetch the details, use
/Parts('{PartId}')/Alternates - Get PartAlternateLink
/Parts('{PartId}')/Alternates('{PartAlternateLinkId}') - Get PartAlternateLink for a given PartAlternateLinkId