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For a few workflows I've created methods to set an object's attribute (one for String, one for TimeStamps) which have worked great over the past few years. I have a new requirement to set an int's value. I created a new method and changed the input attribute to accept an int. When I call the method, i get an odd error telling me I've violated the limit constraint. The value I'm sending is 2 which should not cause any issues.
wt.system.err Administrator - com.ptc.core.meta.container.common.ConstraintException: The value for Number Of Cavities must be between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, inclusive.
The method i have is the following
public static void setAttributeValue(WTObject pbo, String IBAName,int IBAValue) {
PersistableAdapter obj;
try {
obj = new PersistableAdapter(pbo, null,Locale.US, new UpdateOperationIdentifier());
System.out.println("Attribute " + IBAName + " value is " + IBAValue);
} catch (WTException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
System.out.println("Null Pointer Encounterd In Code");
This method is called by the following method to checkout the doc and check it in
public static String setFaiDocumentAttributes(WTDocument doc,String checkinComment,String attName,int attValue,Boolean checkinDoc) {
try {
if (WorkInProgressHelper.service.isLocked(doc) == false) {
doc = (WTDocument)WorkInProgressHelper.service.checkout(doc,WorkInProgressHelper.service.getCheckoutFolder(), "").getWorkingCopy();
} else {
doc = (WTDocument)WorkInProgressHelper.service. workingCopyOf(doc);
checkinComment += attName + ": " + attValue + "\n";
} catch (WTPropertyVetoException | WTException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (checkinDoc) {
try {, checkinComment);
} catch (WorkInProgressException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (WTPropertyVetoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (WTException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return checkinComment;
Through the UI, I can set the attribute to the value 2. I've also added a limit constraint from 0 - max int size and the error message using the API was still showing the range violation of -max int size - positive max int size.
What happen if you use an Integer class instead of a primitive int?
Can you please try to set the integer like this :
obj.set("integerValue", new java.lang.Long(222));
I saw that here "Modifying PBO Attributes With Workflow Variables (Set) " :
wt.part.WTPart part = (wt.part.WTPart)primaryBusinessObject;
//get check out folder for the current user in the session
wt.folder.Folder checkoutFolder =;
//check out object chklink =, checkoutFolder, "cehcek out comment");
wt.part.WTPart wrk = (wt.part.WTPart) chklink.getWorkingCopy();
System.out.println("\nChecked out WTPart ......"+wrk.getName()+"\t"+wrk.getCheckoutInfo());
com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter pbo = new com.ptc.core.lwc.server.PersistableAdapter(wrk, null, null, null);
System.out.println("\nGot pbo...."+pbo.toString());
System.out.println("Loading Attributes");
System.out.println("StringAttribute : "+pbo.get("StringAttribute"));
System.out.println("BooleanAttribute : "+pbo.get("BooleanAttribute"));
System.out.println("DateAttribute : "+pbo.get("DateAttribute"));
System.out.println("IntegerAttribute : "+pbo.get("IntegerAttribute"));
pbo.set("StringAttribute", StringAttributeVariable);
pbo.set("BooleanAttribute", BooleanAttributeVariable);
pbo.set("IntegerAttribute", new java.lang.Long(IntegerAttributeVariable));
java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat SHORT);
String tempDate= DateAttributeVariable;
java.util.Date objectDate = df.parse(tempDate);
pbo.set("DateAttribute", new java.sql.timestamp(objectDate.gettime()));
wt.fc.Persistable p = pbo.apply();
//modify attributes to database
wt.fc.PersistenceHelper manager.modify(p);
// check in document p, "check in comment");
} catch (wt.util.WTException e){
}catch (wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException e){
Good luck
That did the trick! Thanks for the quick reply