Hi all,
How can I add new column in avalible columns table? I can see that some of them was made previous.
Please detail your request 🙂
What kind of BOM report for example..
What kind of attribute you want to add
What is your Windchill version
Please add more screenshots.
Hi, thanks for reply.
I want to add few string columns to multi-level BOM report. My windchill version is 11.1 M010
Unfortunately, your reply does not help, we still don't know what kind of report, and what kind of attribute you need to display in new columns.
Please precise your request with more details.
Ok so I need columns like this:
"product_tmpl_id" refer to asm name "Common name"
"Code" refer to "File Name" .asm file
"bom_line_ids/man_revision" refer to "manufacturing revision" .asm file
"bom_line_ids/major_revision" refer to "major revision" .asm file
"company_id" should always be value "Company XYZ."
"product_qty" refer to .asm always value "1"
" product_uom_id" refer to .asm file always value "Units"
" routing_id" always empty
"bom_line_ids/operation_id" always empty
report type - Multi-level CAD Documents Structure Report
Can someone help me find out how to create this custom columns?
Thanks in advance 🙂
I found out how to create an attribute. Another problem is how to assign value to this attribute.
I create an attribute "company_name" it should be always "Company XYZ". How or where I can assign this value?
Are these attribute values only for assemblies?
If yes, I’d suggest using the OIR to set values for attributes where you know the value before the object is created, such as “company_name”.
Other attributes that are driven from the objects data such as filename can be set automatically using a listener.
The listener would listen for the storing of the object and if the attributes are not the correct value then code would run to set the values per your spec.
I’d also set the UI such that the attributes cannot be edited from the UI by the user. Just let the code automatically set everything.
If you did implement a listener you could also use it to set attributes like “company_name” and not bother with doing it with the OIR.
Something to think about.
Hi David,
Thank you for your reply. I didn't use OIR before so can you show me an example of OIR rule for "product_qty"?
It should refer only to .asm file and set value to "1".
Another rule like "Company_id" it just has to be valued like "Company XYZ" and doesn't refer to any file.
Thanks in advance 🙂
if it will help attribute look like this
Yes, it should be only with asm. files.