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Hi , I Am trying to get all the members related to each WTGroup <Snap Below> from MembershipLink table but no luck.
Does anyone has any idea how to get this information from windchill database or this information is coming from LDAP?
I need only Group "CAT Material Planner - Huntersville" has user "KER1232"
As far as i tried to JOIN WTGroup , MembershipLink, WTUsers
Hi @KU_10670946
Unfortunately the trouble is that the information can be sored in the LDAP not in the database. So you can not be success if so.
If the groups are managed in Windchill then there can be the link you are looking for.
try this select.
If you are in Windchill 12 + the groups are managed in Windchill. I tried it now
select,,* from WindchillDB.MembershipLink link
INNER JOIN WindchillDB.WTUser users
ON users.idA2A2 = link.idA3B5
inner join WindchillDB.WTGroup GR
on link.idA3A5 = GR.idA2A2
You can't get what you want from Windchill DB
Here a workaround using Java method