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first i tried to add the all associated EPM from the BOM to workspace, all epm get added in the workspace. Now i am trying to add the WTPart to workspace. its not working.
this is the code how i added previously the epm to workspace
private void addToWorkspace(EPMDocument doc) {
try {
wt.fc.ReferenceFactory referencefactory = new wt.fc.ReferenceFactory();
wt.fc.WTReference wtreference = referencefactory.getReference(doc);
wt.epm.EPMDocument epm = (wt.epm.EPMDocument) wtreference.getObject();
wtreference = referencefactory.getReference("OR:wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace:1150900");
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace workspace= (wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace) wtreference.getObject();
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec asStored = wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec.newEPMAsStoredConfigSpec(epm);
wt.fc.QueryResult queryResult = wt.epm.structure.EPMStructureHelper.service.navigateReferencesToIteration(epm, null, true, asStored);
//To add to workspace, set some collection
wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet collection = new wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet();
while (queryResult.hasMoreElements()) {
System.out.println("has more elements");
wt.epm.EPMDocument docs = (wt.epm.EPMDocument) queryResult.nextElement();
// Add to workspace
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.addToWorkspace(workspace, collection);
System.out.println("we executed add to workspace");
} catch (WTException | WTPropertyVetoException e) {
Now i am tying to add both parts and epm documents to the workspace.
private void addAllToWorkspace(WTPart part) throws WTException {
try {
// Add the part and its associated EPMDocument to the workspace
EPMDocument associatedEPM = getAssociatedEPM(part);
if (associatedEPM != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WTException("Error adding part and its related documents to the workspace: " + e.getMessage());
private void addToWorkspace(Object obj) throws WTException {
try {
wt.fc.ReferenceFactory referenceFactory = new wt.fc.ReferenceFactory();
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace workspace = (wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspace) referenceFactory
wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet collection = new wt.fc.collections.WTHashSet();
if (obj instanceof EPMDocument) {
EPMDocument epmDoc = (EPMDocument) obj;
System.out.println("Adding EPMDocument to collection: " + epmDoc.getNumber());
// Get the EPMDocument configuration
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec asStored = wt.epm.workspaces.EPMAsStoredConfigSpec.newEPMAsStoredConfigSpec(epmDoc);
wt.fc.QueryResult queryResult = wt.epm.structure.EPMStructureHelper.service.navigateReferencesToIteration(epmDoc, null, true, asStored);
while (queryResult.hasMoreElements()) {
EPMDocument referencedDoc = (EPMDocument) queryResult.nextElement();
System.out.println("Adding referenced EPMDocument to collection: " + referencedDoc.getNumber());
} else if (obj instanceof WTPart) {
WTPart part = (WTPart) obj;
System.out.println("Adding WTPart to collection: " + part.getNumber());
// Add the collection to the workspace
wt.epm.workspaces.EPMWorkspaceHelper.manager.addToWorkspace(workspace, collection);
System.out.println("Added collection to workspace");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WTException("Error adding object to workspace: " + e.getMessage());
Hi @AR_9920456
If you say it does not work, what does it mean ?
Any errors are in the method server log?
it is not working as expected. I am able to add only the EPM Document not e parts.
Hi @AR_9920456
What the e.printStackTrace(); says? You have not described the error what I was asking.
PS: try to write just test function to add one WTPart to a workspace and play with it what is wrong.