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Alias Attibrute? Reverse Lookup on a Table Display


Alias Attibrute? Reverse Lookup on a Table Display


Has anyone figured out how to use an Alias Attribute to act as a Reverse Lookup Field in Windchill 10.0?

We have Auto Numbering on WtParts (1000000123)
We have CAD Document Part (2000000345.prt)

Name Field Usually identical but also pretty bland... such as Name Plate. Graphics near identical... Not passing CAD Attributes to wtParts...

Engineer needs to add a wtPart to his BOM Structure (He can use only Number or Name).
Engineer keeps IE Page up on other Display on Search or Browse Page... Must Search for his CAD Part... then Information.. then Related Objects.. to Find the wtPart... then add to the Structure...
Sometimes 5 parts have same name such as Name Plate so sorting by name does not always work.

Add a Column to a Table Display showing an Attribute for the Windchill Part. The Attribute would have the value of the CAD Document Number.... Then you could sort by that Column and look across to see the wtPart Number

Pretty Sure we could locate and build a Cognos Report but would rather have it in the Table Display...

Was wondering if I could make an Alias Attribute for the WTPart showing the System CAD Document Number for the Owner Link?

Brian Sullivan
Sr. Application Engineer
800.800.1714 x3139


I received the following information from a TS agent regarding my requirement to see the WTPart revision attribute on the EPMDocument.

I also want to address the question I received about adding Soft Typed alias type attribute to EPMDocument which is mapped to the associated WTPart attribute like number attribute, and how the mapping property should be written. The EPMDocument and WTPart are linked via EPMBuildHistory so this could be accomplished with the following mapping:^wt.part.WTPart~masterReference^wt.part.WTPartMaster~number<">>

If you'd like to find out more about the way this mapping is written then you want to look at the documented available in PDMLink installation at
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