A few weeks ago we migrated from Wildfire4 m190 / PDMLink 9.0 to Wildfire4 m220 PDMLink 10.0 m030. Ever since then, pro/e has been crashing on me 4 to 5 times a day. Crash when I save, crash when I add a dimension, etc. Totally random and non-repeatable crashing! Not as often PDMLink hangs. When this happens I either have to use task manager to kill the processes or restart my computer all together. So, I don't know if this issue is with Pro/E, PDMLink, or both. I'm using the same computer and the same pro/e files. I get the feeling by the way my computer is responding to my button clicks that things are running just a tad slower and maybe the computer is struggling to process the new software. Is this just an unstable build that moving to Creo would fix? Are there computer settings I should check? I have had some Java related problems with PDMLink. Could that cause problems for Pro/E too? Is anyone having similar problems?