On 12/13/12 10:53, Kemner, Greg (AS) wrote:
> How can you cancel a publishing job that is hung up in the "EXECUTING" state? I have stoped and
> restarted the cad worker but that didn't clear the job out of the Publish Monitor is still shows
> as "EXECUTING" Windchill Intralink 9.1 M060
1. From the Publisher Monitor get the Queue Number and the Job
* Queue Numbers will be like L1, L2, M1, M2
* the number part of the name corresponds to the PublisherQueueN (step 3)
2. Start the "Queue Manager"
* Site | Utilities | Queue Manager
3. Find the appropriate PublisherQueueN
* from step 1 queue number
* L1 = PublisherQueue1
4. select View Entries from the "Select Action" menu
5. find the offending Entry (Job from step 1) and select "Show" (or delete) from the "Select
Action" menu
6. change status as needed from the Entry detail
> Thanks!