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Ok so we're stuck at the moment on this issue. we cant upload multiple drawings and assemblies because we have hardware in the assemblies that wont upload. heres the issue.
I created a family table for hardware (washers). I checked out MOST of the hardware to do some editing on a part and to add some more hardware to it, however apparently I didn't check out all of them. (i dont know why, I guess some of them didn't come in when I originally tried to check out all of them)
My co-worker only ADDED (not checked out.. only added) one of the washers to his workspace so that he could use it on his assemblies.
Now the issue is, neither me nore he can checkin the assemblies that we used the Family table washers on because the of one part that my co-worker added that did not come with the family table when I originally tried to check it out.
When I try to upload the family table this is what it says.
1st it says I cant upload the family table because all family tables instances must be uploaded together
-no problem right? Ok so I just go to checkout the instance that is missing so that i can upload them all together
-NOPE! wont work...
it says I cant Check out the instance because its not the Latest Iteration
-no problem right? Ok so I just click on the iteration thats out of date, and try to update it so that It can be the latest iteration.
-NO GO!... wont work.
-it almost acts as if it does something but doesn't do anything. it claims "All the objects in session are up to date" but does not update the part.
HOWEVER lets stop here for a second
-First off, how was my co-worker even able to edit/add an iteration to the part if he doesn't have it checked out.
-Secondly I checked to see if he even modified it, but no changes were even made to the part thus no itteration should have even been added.
Lastly: I just tried to remove the part hopeing that maybe I could just add the latest itteration and continue on.
-unfortunately as you may know, you cannot remove a instance from your workspace without removing the entire family table.
So it is here that Im stuck. What am I suppose to do...
If anyone has any advice that could help. please let me know. Other wise, we are going to have to go back through all these assemblies (quite a few of them) and create new hardware to replace these problematic parts.
Thanks in advance.
First - make sure the washer isn't modified or whatever in your buddy's workspace, or checked out.
If it is then re-add it to the workspace or undo checkout.
Then lock everything in the workspace. Actually you only need to lock the washer part and the generic for it, but select all and lock is easy. You can't lock new stuff and you can't lock checked out items. If I'm wrong about the new stuff, they can easily be unlocked on the File menu for the drawing.
You should be able to check in whatever is using that part.
DId this most every week for the past year. Same symptom, and I hope the same cure.