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Change the Internal Name of the Attributes


Change the Internal Name of the Attributes



We've created and used several attributes in CAD, and now we'd like to modify the internal name, but it's graded out. If there is a way to change the internal name of the attributes, please advise.

23-Emerald III

Probably inside the database with SQL this may be possible.


But WHY?

These names are only internal to the system and you can change the Display Name to something understandable to your users.




But we've created a Drawing template with some of the attributes, So in the template, we need to map the attribute with the internal name,


Users need to change the internal name 


for example:

Display name: Colour 1 and Colour 2

Internal name: Colour1 and Colour2


But the user needs to change the Colour_1 instead of colour1


23-Emerald III

Map the attributes in Windchill to Creo Parameters and then use the parameters in your drawing templates.

That is how I have done it for years.

My users never see the internal names.

Looking at my attributes I see where I misspelled an internal name, but the users only see the correct Display Name.

23-Emerald III

Do they need to change the attribute/parameter name or just the value assigned to the parameter?

Hi Ben,


We like to change the internal/Parameter name of the attribute,

Not a value of it.

23-Emerald III

These changes to the internal name should only be done by the system admin and not by end users on any frequent basis. Once set up, they should require little administration of the internal name.

Community Manager

Hi @NG_9451104 

Thank you for publishing your idea. I just moved it from its initial location to this Windchill idea board where it will receive more attention. Early December 2021, we started a new process to published Windchill ideas, by which we ask more information up front. 


See below the questions that I am asking you to answer. Please let us know within the next two weeks.

1. Describe your environment: What is your industry? What is your role in your organization? Describe your stakeholders.
2. What product & version are you currently running?
3. Describe the problem you are trying to solve. Please include detailed documentation such as screenshots, images or video.
4. What is the use case for your organization?
5. What business value would your suggestion represent for your organization?

23-Emerald III

I think a simple CS article with the SQL commands to rename the internal attribute name would be sufficient. I do NOT see this as being something that should be done frequently. In my case, I did not catch a misspelled internal name and I would like to correct it.


Community Manager

Hello NG_9451104,
We are following up on our request for additional information on your idea. In the absence of further comments from you, we are archiving your idea. You still have the option to post a new idea with all the details required.
Thank you.


The internal name of an attribute can be changed with a simple database edit.

In the example below the original internal name, AuditRecord, has been changed to AUDIT_RECORD 


NOTE: Windchill restart after the database edit is required to take affect.







23-Emerald III

What table is the information stored in?


 Another option for you could be to use PTCs attribute utility, create a new attribute and the utility can move the old attribute onto it, effectively renaming it and keeping the old one which you can delete later. Seems less risky, there’s definitely some attribute internal names which would cause major failures if they were just changed.



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