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I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 12.0 and Datecode with CPS
Can you define a calculated attribute for type "Uses Occurrence Attributes"?
For the type "Uses Occurrence Attributes" I've tried to define a calculated attribute of type String (see attachments). However, when looking at the Occurrences table no value is displayed for this attribute. I wonder if it is in general possible to use calculated attributes for Uses Occurrence Attributes.
Hello @HelesicPetr,
the formula is "TestString" just to see whether there would be any output.
However, the SimpleCalcAttrib column in the Occurrences tab just stays empty:
I've tried the same approach on a WTDocument, where it worked:
Hi @FS_9776388
If you add the calculated attribute on the WTDocument to the structure view, does it work?
Can you tell me how to do that? I'm not really sure what you mean
That does work. I don't quite understand though how that relates to the Occurrences table?
Hello FS_9776388,
This is Charles from PTC Technical Support in Europe.
Was the information provided helpful somehow?
I remain at your disposal for any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,
Charles Gautier.
Seems like the type "Uses Occurrence Attributes" sometimes changes its name?
In the Type Administrator I now see it listed as "Part Uses Occurrence", strange...
To make it more clear: I mean the type wt.occurrence.UsesOccurrenceUserIBAs