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Custom - Need to add a delete Option


Custom - Need to add a delete Option

Hi Guys,


Can we get a delete option in which I highlighted in image. Please find the below.





That is a workspace. I think you want remove. That will remove items from your workspace. If the item has not been uploaded, it will be "deleted". You can also delete from Search Results very easily. 

Thanks for the replay, Mr. Avil,

Sorry that image is wrong one, I want to add a few options like a delete, revise and etc.



It depends on if you have the rights to delete.  You have to talk to your administrator.

You can also look in the Actions drop-down menu there.

You are asking to just move them on to the bar and expose them easier?

Hi @Amirtharaj_K 

You need to customize the customActionModel.xml



You add need to add a right menu and set the shortcut to yes for specific menu options.

for folder menu it is 



 <model name="folderbrowser_toolbar_actions">
      <description>Folder browser toolbar actions menu for all Folders.</description>
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_open_submenu" />
      <action name="customLaunchMatrixEditorWizard" type="productfamily"/> 

      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_new_submenu" />
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />            
      <action   name="list_cut"                                   type="object" />                                                 <!-- Cut -->
      <action   name="list_copy"                                  type="object" shortcut="true" />                                 <!-- Copy -->
      <action   name="pasteAsCopy"                                type="saveas" />                                                 <!-- Paste (for Product/Library/Org/Site) -->
      <action   name="fbpaste"                                    type="object" />                                                 <!-- Paste -->
      <action   name="CONTAINERMOVE"                              type="pdmObject" />                                              <!-- Move -->
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <action   name="multiObjectCheckIn"                         type="wip" />                                                    <!-- multiObjectCheckIn -->
      <action   name="multiObjectCheckOut"                        type="wip" />                                                    <!-- multiObjectCheckOut -->      
      <action   name="PAGERELOADINGMULTICHECKOUT"                 type="folder" />                                                 <!-- Check out to Workspace -->
      <action   name="multiObjectUndoCheckout"                    type="wip" />                                                    <!-- multiObjectUndoCheckout -->
      <action   name="editMultiObjects"                           type="object" />                                                 <!-- Edit Multiple Objects -->
      <action   name="MULTIREVISEITEMS_FROMFOLDERS"               type="pdmObject" />                                              <!-- Revise -->
      <action   name="launch"                                     type="massUpdate"/>
      <action   name="route"                                      type="workflow" />                                               <!-- Route -->
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <action   name="WFMULTISAVEAS"                              type="folder" />                                                 <!-- Save As -->
      <action   name="MULTIRENAME"                                type="folder" />                                                 <!-- Rename -->      
      <action   name="SETSTATE_FROMFOLDERS"                       type="pdmObject" />                                              <!-- Set State -->
      <action   name="export"                                     type="object" />                                                 <!-- Export -->
      <action   name="cadmultiexport"                             type="object" />                                                 <!-- Export -->
      <action   name="list_delete"                                type="object" shortcut="true"/>                                                 <!-- Delete -->
      <action   name="batchPrint"                                 type="wvs" />                                                    <!-- Batch Print -->
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <action   name="WFADDTOWORKSPACE"                           type="folder"  shortcut="true" />                                                 <!-- Add to Workspace -->
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_addto_submenu" />
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <action   name="sendToPDM"                                  type="sandbox" />                                                <!-- Send to PDM -->
      <action   name="convertToShareTB"                           type="sandbox" />                                                <!-- Convert to Share -->
      <action   name="sandboxCheckoutShareMultiSelect"            type="object" />                                                 <!-- Convert to PDM Check-out -->
      <action   name="sandboxUndoCheckout"                        type="object" />                                                 <!-- Undo PDM Check-out -->
      <action   name="manageIdentityConflicts"                    type="sandbox" />                                                <!-- Manage Identity Conflict -->
      <action   name="SBUpdatePrj"                                type="sandbox" />                                                <!-- Update Project -->
      <action   name="updateShareMultiSelect"                     type="sandbox" />                                                <!-- Update Selected Shares -->
      <action   name="removeShareTB"                              type="object" />                                                 <!-- Remove Share -->
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_compare_submenu" />
      <action   name="ConfigLinksCollectorDialog"                 type="folder" />                                                 <!-- Config Links Collector Dialog -->
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_process_submenu" />
      <action   name="downloadDocumentsToCompressedFile"          type="document" />                                               <!-- Download Documents to Compressed File -->
      <action   name="createImportJob" 				  type="ixb"/>                                                     <!-- Import from Spreadsheet -->
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_exportlisttofile_submenu" />
      <submodel name="folderbrowser_toolbar_requirements_submenu" />
      <action   name="separator"                                  type="separator" />
      <action name="multiObjManageSecurity"                       type="accessPermission"/>
      <action name="MULTIEDITSECURITYLABELS"                      type="object"/>                                                                   <!-- Manage Security -->
      <action   name="createSubscription"                         type="subscription" />                                           <!-- Subscribe -->
      <action name="separator" type="separator"/>
      <action name="track_new_work_table" type="resourceAssignment" /><!-- Track new Work against subject of deliverable-->
      <action name="new_plan_activity_table" type="planActivity" /><!-- New Plan Activity against subject -->      
		<includeFilter name="ActionFilterOnProject2State" />




restart windchill and the button will be available in the ribon menu.




Good Morning Mr. Petr, Thanks for the replay and apologize for delayed in response.


After making changes in customActionModel.xml, it will appear in the action button menu or as highlighted in the below image.

I want it highlighted.





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