Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X
Version: Windchill 12.0
Use Case: User should be only able to see the WTParts valid for which he is part of.
When we use Insert Existing option in Structure tab of WTPart, can we limit the WTPart to be displayed on Search On option depending on Context he is member of?
Attached is the pic for more info.
That drop down is showing you Part types, not contexts. I was going to suggest that you go into Type Manager and inactive them but I see in my system, where they are inactive, all show up. I think this should be a Windchill Idea since I think it should only show active types. That being said, I can see a case where you might have created a Part type and then inactivated it. You still should be able to find that part again in a search. Either way, the search should only return parts the user as the ability to see which by definition, its places they are a member of. They would need to be either a Guest or a Member depending on your ACL setup. If you want contexts to also be a search criteria, that also is a Windchill idea submission.