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We have to assess our Winchill Infrastructure annually against Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) issued by IASE.
These are required to be assessed annually by some of our customers.
One aspect is the need to Encrypting data at rest in the ORACLE database and also data in transit when transmitted between the Application server and Oracle.
Does anyone in the community (PTC or other Customers) know if this is supported and can point me in the right direction with respect to system configuration.
Thanks in Advance
Ed Lyons
Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Hello Ed,
As a part of one of the recent projects I did some research on this and starting Windchill 11, TDE is supported. TDE encrypts the table spaces and ensure the data at rest is protected. The steps to configure this is detailed in Advanced Deployment Guide for 11
For the JDBC between Oracle and Windchil, i don't see an instruction from PTC to switch to TCPS.- probably provide full connection string in and use wt.pom.dbConnectionPropertiesNameList and wt.pom.dbConnectionPropertiesValueList to pass additional props. Not sure whether this is supported and i have not tested it.
Binesh Kumar
Medtronic - MITG
Curious if anyone has implemented the TDE Tablespace Encryption and has any pros or cons to implementation?