On 01/15/15 16:29, Haigh, David A. wrote:
> The system I need this information on is 9.1-m070
The same information is still there. I don't remember exactly where other than somewhere in the objects information page.
Here is an oracle query (for 10.2 - might work for 9.1...) that will return all the objects with a particular LifeCycle:
column cadname format a30
column state format a15
column rev format a5
column iter format a5
column name format a20
set lines 200
select edm.cadname, ed.versionida2versioninfo rev, ed.iterationida2iterationinfo iter, ed.ida3a2state, ed.statestate state, ltm.name
from epmdocumentmaster edm
join epmdocument ed on ed.ida3masterreference = edm.ida2a2
join lifecycletemplate lt on lt.ida2a2 = ed.ida3a2state
join lifecycletemplatemaster ltm on ltm.ida2a2 = lt.ida3masterreference
ed.statecheckoutinfo = 'c/i' and
ed.classnamekeya2state = 'wt.lifecycle.LifeCycleTemplate' and
ltm.name = 'NameOfLifeCycleIWishedWasNeverBorn'
order by
edm.cadname, ed.versionsortida2versioninfo, ed.iterationida2iterationinfo
> David Haigh
> Phone: 925-424-3931
> Fax: 925-423-7496
> Lawrence Livermore National Lab
> 7000 East Ave, L-362
> Livermore, CA 94550
> *From:*Randy Jones [
> David Haigh
> Phone: 925-424-3931
> Fax: 925-423-7496
> Lawrence Livermore National Lab
> 7000 East Ave, L-362
> Livermore, CA 94550
> -----End Original Message-----
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Randy Jones
> Systems Administrator
> Great Plains Mf...
">mailto:->> Phone: 785-823-3276
> Fax: 785-667-2695
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----End Original Message-----
> -----End Original Message-----
Randy Jones
Systems Administrator
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
1525 E North St
PO Box 5060
Salina, KS USA 67401
email: -
Phone: 785-823-3276
Fax: 785-667-2695