Paul - EPMContainedIn table links EPMDocument and EPMSepFamilyTable as Role A and Role B objects respectively. So you have to join EPMDocument and EPMSepFamilyTable with EPMContainedIn along with joining EPMDocumentMaster with EPM Document and EPMSepFamilyTable Master with EPMSepFamilyTable .
Raju Pulavarthi Sr. Systems Analyst - PLM Applications Global Information Technology
Here's the SQL select statement. I assume you have the instances EPMSepFamilyTableMaster ida2a2
select distinct(ida3MasterReference) from EPMDocument where ida2a2 IN (select distinct(ida3a5) from EPMContainedIn where ida3b5 IN (select ida2a2 from EPMSepFamilyTable where IDA3MASTERREFERENCE=<epmsepfamilytablemaster ida2a2=">));
Hope this helps
David Graham Windchill Developer/Administrator CAx Administrator
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