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I am using Windchill PDMLink Release 12.1 and Datecode with CPS
i need to run a report showing the list of windchill users and the Windchil DS Bind CN information for each account. I am preparing a list of users so that I can use the Disconnected Participant tool for my WindchillDS users prior to upgrade to HTTPS.Is this possible using the report builder function in Windchill PDM link and if so how?
Yes, you want to include the RemoteObjectID and RemoteObjectInfo table to your query and join with WTUser. This shows the path in the LDAP for that user.
Hi Antonio,
Didn't know this - very helpful.
Differences for openDJ vs. Windchill DS?
What is the join type for the query?
Windchill DS is OpenDJ with some PTC tailoring. I am using OpenDJ currently after hopping through Windchill DS temporarily during upgrade from 11.1. No difference from this perspective.
Do you have a SQL table viewer? Its very easy to see the columns and see how they related. You would want an outer join in case there is a user who did not have a mapping in the LDAP.
Here is what I did:
You can make this an outer join since if they are disconnected, it might not have a remote object info.
Filter out disabled users
This shows the path in the LDAP.
Hello tjerome,
Will you need further information?
Hello tjerome,
Thanks for reaching out, this is Charles from PTC Technical Support in Europe.
Was the information provided helpful somehow?