I assume that your EPMDocuments are either on the affected data or resulting data tables. In that case what you are missing the logic to grabs the Changeactivites giving an ecn number store that in a queryResult, then cycle through the queryResult and extra the contents of the affected/resulting data tables. See code ssamples below:
QureyResult result = ChangeHelper2.service.getChangeActivities(ecn);
While (result.hasMoreElements()) {
WTChanageActivity2 ca = (WTChangeActivity2)result.nextElement();
QueryResult RI_table = changeHelper2.service.getChangeablesAfter(ca);
QueryResult AI_table = changeHelper2.service.getChangeablesBefore(ca);
Then you need to cycle through the RI_table and/or AI_table to see if the object is an EPMDocument object,
while ( RI_table.hasMoreElements()){
WTObject object = (WTObject) RI_table.nextElement();
if (object instanceof EPMDocument) {
// do something with it
Hope this helps.
Alexius C. Chukwuka
IT Analyst, PDP Systems
John Deere Power Systems
Product Engineering Center
*Voice: 319-292-8575
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