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Version: Windchill 12.1
Use Case: How to Publish the PDF drawing with water marking and store it has separate Drawing document in Windchill instead of saving it has the association of CAD drawing ?
We are in the process of implementing the CAD Publisher and intention was not to create manual PDF drawing to reduce the user effort and add water marking to it.
Problem raises when the sharing the drawing with supplier, we do not want to share the CAD drawing outside the organization, but the published PDF drawing with water Marking will be association of CAD drawing and we do not want to duplicate the file while sharing through the ProjectLink.
How to Publish the PDF drawing out of CAD drawing and store it has separate Drawing document in Windchill ?
thanks in advance for all your suggestions!!!
I had a look at your question.
Administering a seperate drawing document, to me , appears to create additional overhead for your organization.
If only the drawing needs to be shared as PDF to supplier, then I still think that Project link is the best option.
Please note that Projectlink never "creates" anything, it always only has a link to the original object in PDMLink.
Start by sharing only the CAD Drawing to the supplier through a Project.
Dont share the 3D CAD. In this way, supplier can only go the Representations in the CAD drawing and download the PDF. He /She cannot even view the drawing CAD file, as its dependency (3D model) is not shared to him/her.
This should work in my opinion.
Best Regards
We do this partly through the afterEDRLoader process (renaming of the PDF's to include number and version) and publish rules. You can create a separate wtDocument that is linked as a related representable of the original CAD through publish rules.
For publishing the additional files, you use the AdditionalFilesPostPublishDelegate in your Visualization Configuration Administration publishing rules