Hello everyone,
I need some help with this problem, PTC is responding with the usual "Works as intended".
I'm trying to find a workaround for this problem (See video)
The current problem we have:
Attributes with illegal (Spaces and"/" were used) characters were created in Inventor, we are now using these inventor file in Creo parametric (Creo unite allows us to do this).
The result is the propagation error.
We have hundreds of users receiving a lot of errors when opening assemblies.
Is it possible to automatically implement the ignore option?
Or even better: skip this useless check on Inventor files?
We already have the following solutions, but they are not suitable for us
- Hide all warnings (Also hides useful warnings)
- Rename all the inventor attributes
Do you have to map this to Creo as well?
In your video, you did not map this attribute to a Creo attribute.
No this is not mapped to creo, I don't think this is required.
If no mapping is available then the implicit parameter "R_S" will be used?
Also a side note, Creo automatically transform the parameter R/S to R_S in Creo parametric. This is fine for us but we need a solution to hide the propagation errors.
I tested your suggestion:
I still receive this error even when setting the Creo mapping.
This article sounds VERY close to your issue.
See if that fix in the config.pro will work.
Thanks for your suggestion!
Unfortunately we already tried this solution.
This config.pro setting also hides all other useful information about the model.
"dm_auto_conflict_resolution yes"
So with PTC saying go pound sand err works to product specification and not wanting to turn off all other messages, not many options left.
Did you say you tried explicit mapping? You said it should not be required but does it avoid the error or does it come up regardless?
Yes the error comes up regardless.
The explicit mapping looks at the cad file type instead of the cad application type.
I managed to reproduce the error when mapping the inventor internal parameter "MSP:Mass".
I hope this is enough to convince PTC to add an exception
Suggest an idea and I will certainly up vote it
it seems like we have the 100% identical issue.
Do you have some news on this topic?
PTC comes up so far just with standard answers.
Thank you for your feedback