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Hi together,
We are publishing to SAP a structure which contains different views of the parts. Top Node is in Manufacturing and the children in design and also Manufacturing.
We have another custom view Manufacturing Location. One of the children under the structure was created directly with this view. Applying the System Default Filter on the structure will show only the Part Master for the last mentioned child.
While trying to publish to SAP through a CN the following error is recieved:
com.ptc.windchill.esi.rnd.ESIRendererException: No qualifying version found for the master "wt.part.WTPartMaster.
I am thinking this has something to do with the System Default filter but in our distribution target for CN and BOM we use a different filter which includes also the custom view.
Any ideas why this error still comes?
Setting the Preference for ESI not to generate exceptions in such cases will ignore the part but also if there are children under it, those will not be sent, so its not a solution for us.
Hi Alex any success on this?
As I remember it was related to the filters we were applying.
We ended up creating filters for the CN and BOM specific for each Manufacturing Location.
Hi @Alex1988
I wanted to say, that the releasing process use wrong filter, and can not find the specific iteration that could be published to ERP.
So it ended with the error, that is ok.
You have to use correct filter for the ERP release.
Hi Petrh,
Where do we find these filters and how can set them?