We use FlexPLM on top of Windchill for one of our packaging application.
I came accross a situation, when i use the copy link fuction to copy a Product Code it also allows to copy the Specification Components.
The Specification Components shows 3 BOM components, where actually there are only 2 BOM components.
I've written a few SSPs to perform a few validations on the number of BOMs and becoz of this scenario, my validation fails. As my
int bomsize = ((Vector)BOM_QUERY.findBOMPartsForOwner(product)).size(); reads 3, when in real it 2.
Does anybody come accross this situation or do we have a fix for this issue ? \
Kindly help.
How many BOM components do you have in source Product. The number of components displayed is based on your selection before you click on Copy-link.