Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X
We have 1 production PDMLink 12.1 server and 2 test/dev 12.1 servers that were created by upgrading from an existing 11.1 server. Built a 4th server with an OOTB installation, and copied over the production Oracle database and ldap export, but get the following error: User not found: unknown web name: "wcadmin". Now when I run the wt.auth.Authentication command, my user/password for wcadmin works. When I try logging on using that user/pw, I get the above mentioned error. I have tried installing PDMLink 12.1 with temp user and OOTB built database, and then changing the information to match the production info, and tried installing against an existing copy of the prod database and ldap info. Seems things are different now that the Windchill Directory Server is no longer bundled with the PDMLink installation. Just wondering if anyone has done something similar for PDMLink 12.1. Many thanks in advance!
What are you using for your LDAP with 12.1?
What was your LDAP with 11.1, WindchillDS?
Did you run the Upgrade Manager on the copied data from 11.1 to the 12.1 system? There are some manual steps if using WindchillDS 11.2 with WIndchill 12.0, not sure of 12.1.
We used the 11.2 WDS installed per the PTC article, and then did the ldap merge between our production ldap and the 11.2 ldap.
Thanks! This is what I did to create the base ldap for the 11.2 WDS.
Does wcadmin exist in your LDAP for the OOTB install of WC 12.1?
If not, you can set that user to be any user... and add other users from LDAP
xconfmanager -s wt.admin.defaultAdministratorName=<Your LDAP user replacement for WCADMIN>
xconfmanager -s wt.sysadm.administrators=<Admin 1 from LDAP>,<Admin 2 from LDAP>
Wcadmin does exist in our 11.2 WDS and successfully authenticate using the wt.auth.Authentication command.
I think the disconnect might be in the database. Check the RemoteObject (I think) table and see if the path to the user matches. Authentication via the webserver seems correct which is why you are able to log in but the user records in the database do not match its stored path. Sry, doing this from memory.
Thanks for the info. I checked that table on our prod database, and of course it is the same as the copy on our dev database. The prod system is obviously working, but was created through an upgrade. I am hosing up something doing a straight install rather than an upgrade. Never had this issue before 12.1.