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PTC Wtpart Creation Utility - Build Step


PTC Wtpart Creation Utility - Build Step

Has anyone else experienced the issue with the utility not building the part structure to match the cad structure (excluded parts)?

I had ALL WTparts created for cad parts already, then moved all assemblies need into a folder and ran the utility on that folder.  This is what I get...have to manually rebuild.

Have to apologize, we are just in the testing phase of implementing WTparts.


The WTPartCreator utility was built particularly for creating and associating WTParts from EPMDocs after a Pro-I 3.4 migration.  I am curious - is this something you do (or will do) often?  It also seems that all your WTPart numbers and versions match the EPMDocument numbers and versions, is that correct?  In that case, why not just use the auto-associate feature when working with the CAD model?

There are other ways to mass create WTParts and associate to EPMDocuments as well.  Feel free to contact me directly if you're looking for any further assistance at


I am getting the same issue with the wtpart creation utility. Like you we are in the testing phase of wtparts. However in my case I started with only cad data and then ran the part creation utility thru all 7 steps. I have many resultant part structures that do not match the cad structure.

I opened a call w/PTC and this was the last response I recd from them:

"I think built part structure is correct for the use case below. P2C UI indicates that the extra quantity is coming from ‘Excluded’ occurrences on part structure. This indicates that either there are extra ‘Excluded’ occurrences on part structure or user has modified quantity on usage link which is more than what required according to document structure.

Please check whether occurrences were manually added or quantity was manually modified."

I temporarily gave up on the call because I was quite clear I was starting with no existing wtparts and then running the part creation utility all the way thru and the incorrect part structure was the result of this. I still can't believe they wanted me to "Please check whether occurrences were manually added or quantity was manually modified".



What is your case number?  I'll pass it on to my TSE, no need for them to reinvent the wheel (which they will without your number)...they just need move forward and fix the issue.




Greg Olson wrote:


What is your case number?  I'll pass it on to my TSE, no need for them to reinvent the wheel (which they will without your number)...they just need move forward and fix the issue.

My case number is 12129519.



Do you happen to know how to setup the part_creation.xml file so that it will look for cadassemblies in ALL products and libraries? Basically I want to tell the utility to look at the complete organization for all assembly files...struggling with getting it to work.


Greg Olson wrote:


Do you happen to know how to setup the part_creation.xml file so that it will look for cadassemblies in ALL products and libraries? Basically I want to tell the utility to look at the complete organization for all assembly files...struggling with getting it to work.

In my case I created a PartAction for each product and library because I have different wtpart subtypes depending on the container. So my answer to your question is "I never tried creating one PartAction that would search all containers."

I was in contact more than once with PTC to figure out how to make the part_creation.xml work. My perception after those contacts is there must only be 1 or 2 people at PTC that actually know how this works.



Can you share one of your XML files that has the sub-type listed?  I created the sub-types in WC and then updated the xml with the new didn't work.


Greg Olson wrote:


Can you share one of your XML files that has the sub-type listed?  I created the sub-types in WC and then updated the xml with the new didn't work.

Here is a snippet that is for 2 different Products each with it's own wtpart subtype.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE Specifier SYSTEM "piv_specifier.dtd">



    <PartAction Create="True" class="wt.part.WTPart|com.greatplainsmfg.ProductionPart">

        <FolderSpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <FolderCriteria ConditionJoin="Or">

                <FolderCondition Operator="equal" Value="/Default" Context="/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Great Plains Mfg Inc/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=Production"/>



        <PISpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <PICriteria ConditionJoin="Or">

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.ASM" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.PRT" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.DRW" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>



        <PIVSpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <PIVCriteria ConditionJoin="And">

                <PIVCondition Version="All"/>





    <PartAction Create="True" class="wt.part.WTPart|com.greatplainsmfg.ToolingPart">

        <FolderSpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <FolderCriteria ConditionJoin="Or">

                <FolderCondition Operator="equal" Value="/Default" Context="/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Great Plains Mfg Inc/wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=Simba Tool"/>



        <PISpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <PICriteria ConditionJoin="Or">

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.ASM" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.PRT" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>

                <AttrCondition AttrName="name" Operator="equal" Value="*.DRW" AttrTypeIsDate="false"/>



        <PIVSpec CriteriaJoin="Or">

            <PIVCriteria ConditionJoin="And">

                <PIVCondition Version="All"/>






For some reason I am getting an error message when running the is not recognizing the new sub-type.  I logged a case with PTC, we'll see what comes of it.


Hi Greg,

Can you paste your error here?



Wed 01/27/16 11:37:43 log: Parsing XML file D:\PTC\Windchill_10.2\Windchill\codebase\/com/ptc/windchill/pdmlink/proimigration/server/xml/part_creation.xml

Wed 01/27/16 11:37:43 thrown: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Line: 4, Column: 61 - Class is not valid

org.xml.sax.SAXException: Line: 4, Column: 61 - Class is not valid


Greg Olson wrote:

Wed 01/27/16 11:37:43 log: Parsing XML file D:\PTC\Windchill_10.2\Windchill\codebase\/com/ptc/windchill/pdmlink/proimigration/server/xml/part_creation.xml

Wed 01/27/16 11:37:43 thrown: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Line: 4, Column: 61 - Class is not valid

org.xml.sax.SAXException: Line: 4, Column: 61 - Class is not valid

This almost sounds like an xml syntax error as opposed to a "xml is okay but Windchill doesn't like it error".

22-Sapphire III

Hi Greg,

Were you able to get past the exception? If not, can you provide the part_creation.xml referred to in the exception?


Greg Olson wrote:

Has anyone else experienced the issue with the utility not building the part structure to match the cad structure (excluded parts)?

Greg: Just to let you know that my testing with WTPartCreator continues with Windchill 11.0 in which I discovered a bug:

This bug has been fixed in 11.0 M010-CPS04. PTC sent me a patch to test on 11.0 M010-CPS02 to make sure they had it fixed. I can tell you that another result of this bug fix is the resultant part structures now match the cad structure. At least on all of them that I have checked so far which includes structures that were not correct previously (built in Windchill 10.2).


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