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Problem Installing OpenDJ


Problem Installing OpenDJ

I am following the video instructions( for setting up OpenDJ, do not get the 'Backend' error when importing the WindchillDS exported ldif file. Is there another way by creating the 'backend' first in OpenDJ before importing the ldif file? Many thanks in advance)

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 I follow this procedure


export ldif data from current WindchillDS

-> d:\tmp-rehost\240327_export.ldif


remove WindchillDS / switch to new host


install opendj

start openDJ


open std commandline, navigate to <opendj install>\bat



import-ldif.bat --ldifFile d:\tmp-rehost\240327_export.ldif --backendID userRoot --port 4444 --bindDN cn=Manager --bindPassword <something> --trustAll --noPropertiesFile --rejectFile D:\tmp-rehost\rejected.txt --skipFile D:\tmp-rehost\skipped.txt --skipSchemaValidation

stop and restart openDJ


open OpenDJ control panel

you should see all data from the export ldif / WindchillDS


Many thanks! Will give it a shot.

Hi @borourke


I wanted to follow up with you on your post to see if your question has been answered. 

If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the Accepted Solution. 

Of course, if you have more to share on your issue, please let the Community know so that we can continue to help you. 




It did not. Getting a simple bind error when I follow the steps given.

Assuming OpenDJ Community Edition...


You can install OpenDJ and create the initial backend root at the same time.

Extract your Java and OpenDJ to a common location:



Once extracted to the proper location, start an elevated cmd shell and run the following commands to install it.

set opendj_home=D:\PTC\OpenDJ-4.6.2\opendj

set java_home=D:\PTC\OpenDJ-4.6.2\Java

pushd %opendj_home%

setup.bat -h localhost -p 389 --ldapsPort 636 --adminConnectorPort 4444 --enableStartTLS --generateSelfSignedCertificate --rootUserDN "cn=Manager" --rootUserPassword {password} --baseDN o=ptc --addBaseEntry --cli --acceptLicense --no-prompt


That will build OpenDJ with a default base DN (root) of o=ptc.


Per the video (timestamp ~4:20), you "should" be able to manually create a new backend root on an existing OpenDJ.


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