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Problem with automatic transfer of parameters from CREO to Windchill


Problem with automatic transfer of parameters from CREO to Windchill

Hello! I have one big problem.
I use CREO and Windchill.
When I create a new object in CREO (assembly/drawing/part) I give it a name and number. After check in, I see these parameters on the Windchill server. But if I change CAD number and name in CREO again and after this make check in - the old number and old name is still in the Windchill, but the version is being updated.

As a result, I have to rename objects in the Windchill, in browser every time

Please help)


Сreo, Windchill 10

23-Emerald III

Where are you doing your initial rename, in Creo or in your Windchill workspace, it makes a difference in how Windchill handles the renamed objects.

The best way to do renames is from a browser in Windchill commonspace, then sync your workspace to get the changed names.


As Ben says, its always do identity related stuff from Windchill(like Rename or Renumber).

If I recall correctly ,in the Creo Config Options, There is a way to prevent Rename or Renumber in CAD (ignore the first version/NEW). I think its called "let_proe_rename_pdm_ objects". Good Practice is to set it to "NO"., If you make this, system will force you to Rename /Renumber from Windchill (as per best Practices like Ben said).

Hope this helps!

Best Regards


@BenLoosli @Hari_Vara 

Thank you very much for your answers!


Let me describe it in more detail.

So, I create a new object in CREO. I give it a name and number. After check in, I see these parameters on the Windchill server:


In Windchill I see this attributes:


Version 0.0, Number in Proe: TEST_PRT001, Number: TEST_PRT001


After that, I open this model in Creo and change the "NUMBER" in the model parameters. I enter a new value, for example TEST_PRT001_UPDATE

After that I make "check in". And I see this on the server:


The "Number" in the attributes was not updated. Is it possible to make it automatically updated after "check in" ?

For now, in such situations, I have to change the number manually in Windchill.

22-Sapphire II

Hi @Hozaibergen 

What attribute do you change in the ProE exactly? 

It seams that it is just model parameter and it is not system parameter number, file name, or common name. 


Hi @HelesicPetr 

I change number in the ProE.

So, If this is just model parameter then how this parameter falls into the attributes in the Windchill (second screenshot)?

22-Sapphire II

Hi @Hozaibergen 

Please share a screen with the attribute in Windchill detail page also with a name. Because I can not see it.


In a model, the model name is a number in Windchill. 



22-Sapphire II


The explanation how the parameter is forwarded to the Windchill :

The behavior is based on model parameter setting.

If the model parameter option Designated is set to yes, then workgroup manager tries to upload the value to the database to an IBA attribute prepared in Windchill. 

This IBA attribute tan be changed by check-out/in. 


System number can not be changed that way, and you always have to use rename function to change the number




System number can not be changed that way, and you always have to use rename function to change the number


That is, these parameters are assigned to attributes after the first "check in" and then they can only be renamed only in Windchill? Did I understand you correctly?


As Petr says, which parameters drives the Windchill number has to be seen.

Usually(Default), its the "CAD File Name", as PDM does not like 2 CAD files with same CAD File Name. Also take care of the extensions as to be part of the CAD File name. 


Having said that, I think you have Renamed the CAD File Name in Pro/E and expecting it to be updating the Windchill Number. To best of my knowledge this can only be done in Commonspace (The option "Let Pro rename.." is applicable only for non-checked in CAD objects).

Hope I add some more clarity. Lets wait for you screen shot. (I guess your screen shot will only show the new "CAD File name" which now no longer driver the Windchill number).

Best Regards



Sorry, can you describe in more detail what kind of screenshot you need?
I have a little problem with English


22-Sapphire II

Hi @Hozaibergen 

This one with attribute name





23-Emerald III

How are you changing the name in Creo?

Screen shots of the steps and commands will help.


I created a new part and checked it in.

File - Manage File - Rename on the file created a new file in Windchill.

The file name is PTC_Common_Name parameter, I believe and cannot be changed in session.


It is greyed out.




@BenLoosli @HelesicPetr @Hari_Vara 

Hello and Happy New Year!

Sorry for the long answer.

My problem with renaming is similar to this thread.



If anyone has a solution please let me know

22-Sapphire III

Let's step back here. I saw your other old post so you can ignore my message. Note there is a different between renaming in Windchill, in the workspace and in Creo.

  • Rename in Windchill will change identity of object (name, number and/or filename) but its the same object. All references to are maintained.
  • Rename in the Workspace is similar but can only be done before object is uploaded. After that, see above.
  • Rename in Creo, unless blocked by, acts like a copy or save as to Windchill. Note, there is a save-as in Windchill which you should explore since it may be what you are trying to do. By using Rename in Creo as @BenLoosli showed on 12/14, this will create a new item in the workspace. 

Once and object is checked in, you will see these parameters in your model which are controlled by Windchill and cannot be changed in Creo. They should indicate locked. These are the values you see on the Windchill details page.


You mentioned that you changed  the "NUMBER" parameter in Creo and it did not update in Windchill. Yes, that is expected since you cannot have a designated parameter drive those parameters I showed above. There is the option to bootstrap in once via mapping in preferences once, before check in but that's it. They will not be in sync after that without some customization.  

We have a rename listener that I developed to handle syncing the PTC_WM_NAME field with a TITLE parameter that we call out on drawing title blocks. It could work similar for what I think you are trying to do. Since in the drawing development process, the TITLE may be filled out later after check in and I wanted to keep in sync with Name in PDMLink, this detects changes to the TITLE parameter and triggers a rename event in PDMLink later on. Hope this helps. A lot can be done by workflowing your new model creation process and getting mappings right in site preferences. K.I.S.S. principle applies.

@avillanueva thank you for your answer!!!

>>You mentioned that you changed  the "NUMBER" parameter in Creo and it did not update in Windchill. 


Yes, that's exactly what I meant.
In my creo there are no parameters PTC_WM_PART_NAME, PTC_WM_PART_NUMBER, PTC_WM_NAME, PTC_WM_NUMBER. I already found a case on this issue

Did I understand correctly that if the model has already been unloaded and the model has a windchill part with attributes, so if I change the parameter "NUMBER" in the model in Creo, and make "check in", windchill part parameter "NUMBER" will not change in any case?

22-Sapphire II

Hi @Hozaibergen 

If the parameter "NUMBER" is an IBA Attribute defined as a global attribute and assigned to CAD Document and WTPart types then it should propagate the change.


But if you are talking about system parameter "Number" that is identity for the CAD Document and also WTPart then it can not be changed in the Creo. 


also some preferences exist that drive the propagation.

You can set a specific attributes that should be propagated from CAD to WTP and also there is a build process that cares about this propagation.

OOTB the build is done automatically during check-in between CAD Document and WTPart

but it can be changed. 




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