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To All,
I have recently upgraded our group to Creo Elements Pro 5.0 M150 from Pro/E Wildfire 4.0. One of the issues I am having is with installation of PVX and the thumbnail generator for Windchill. I had to go around to each workstation (over 50 engineers) and install these two apps using my adimistrative password. This is a total pain.
I am wondering if there are others out there who have run into the same issues, and hopefully found a better way. I know there is an option to exclude these from not only the install, but also keep CEPRO5 from asking the user to install them everytime Creo is launched.
The problem is that I want these applications for them, but need a much better or efficient way to deploy them to the users workstations.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated in advance,
Buddy Hudson
Hi Buddy,
Any chance you have access to SCCM tools at your business? It would seem likely that a company with 50 engineers would have an SCCM tool used by IT to push software and installations to users. Using that tool you would create a silent install of the two programs and push it to the users. They wouldn't even notice it happening.
Hey Micah,
We do have a tool for pushing out software, its called Altiris. That is not my issue though. I need to know how to make it install silent and get past the fact that no users, since our move to Windows 7, have admin rights on their workstations. Also, I dont uderstand that if you are just copying the install of Creo Elements Pro 5.0 from one that already has them installed, why this has to be done again?
Has your company looked into installing standing up a Visualization Server? A Visualization Server is a server that can be used to "publish" Creo (Product) View representation and also thumbnail generation. A Visualization Server can be configured to work with Windchill 10.1 to perform all the "publishing" based on events (rules) you specify.
In your Windchill environment, in "Help Center", search for "visualization". Also look in both the Windchill Specialized Admin Guide, and Windchill Visualization Service guide.
In a nut shell using a Visualization Server, you configure and install the PTC software required to publish representation and generate thumbnails in one location, and configure your Windchill 10.1 system to:
1) configure a worker agent
2) define the publishing rules
3) store the published Product (Creo) View format and thumbnails in a central location associated with the Pro/E MCAD model data.
I hope this blah blah helps.
Mike Espinosa
Hey Michael, yes we already have a dedicated CAD worker that is just a workstation like the engineers use.