I'd like to find all CAD documents which are haven't associations with WTparts. I need to find which CREO *.prt and *.asm files are not associated with WTparts by any association (owner, contributing image etc.). I've found Document - CS190123 which description is "Query builder to fetch all EPMDocuments which do not have a associated WTPart". It looks like a solution to my problem but when tested it the result was showing also drawings (*.drw), family table members (associated with wtparts) and cad parts which name is different from corresponding WTpart name (these are also associated with wtparts).
Could someone help me to adapt this query to my requirement?
You can try adding criteria for .prt or .asm. Like in my case, following worked.
I have linked this discussion at this document Resource for reporting
In it there is also the article cited by Pawel.
Now both are paired.
Thanks for reply. I reworked my query according to your suggestion. I think I've made something wrong. Previously report was showing some *.prt, *.drw and *.asm parts. Among them there was unassociated *.prt and *.asm files with WTparts. But report shows also *.prt associated with WTpart which name is different. For example:
Number: 123456.prt, Name: "abc" owner association with:
Number: 123456, Name: "zxc".
Another tidbit is that after added criteria for *.prt report omits previously founded *.prt which isn't associated with WTpart.
I attached my qml query.