I am needing to query for a specific revision of an EPMDocument. So given an epmdocument number and
a revision I have the following:
String epmNo = "myNumber";
String rev = "A";
QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(EPMDocument.class);
//This part works
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(EPMDocument.class, EPMDocument.NUMBER, SearchCondition.LIKE,
epmNo), null);
//This is the part that does not work: "EPMDocument.REVISION cannot be resolved"
qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(EPMDocument.class, EPMDocument.REVISION, SearchCondition.EQUAL,
rev), null);
What magic text do I put in for the searchcondition to search for a specific revision?
EPMDocument.REVISION gives an error:EPMDocument.REVISION cannot be resolved
Does anybody give me a pointer to where the possible searchcondition arguments are documented?