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I have been trying to send email through code.And I'm getting problem while adding
content text to my mail.If I run my code without adding message body, it works fine and I have
doubts on adding ResourceBundle files here.
I've created a simple class for that
RemoteMethodServer rms = RemoteMethodServer.getDefault();
GatewayAuthenticator auth = new GatewayAuthenticator();
System.out.println("Connected to PDMLink!");
String userName="GT-User";
WTUser user;
QuerySpec qspec=new QuerySpec(WTUser.class);
qspec.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(WTUser.class,WTUser.NAME,SearchCondition.LIKE,userName),new int[]{0});
QueryResult qresult=PersistenceHelper.manager.find((StatementSpec)qspec);
user=(WTUser) qresult.nextElement();
System.out.println("User present in Windchill and his email id is--"+user.getEMail());
String userEmail=user.getEMail();
Locale locale=new Locale("en", "US");
ResourceBundle labels=ResourceBundle.getBundle("",locale);
EMailMessage mail=EMailMessage.newEMailMessage();
mail.setSubject("For Windchill test");
mail.addPart("", labels.getString("Message"), null, "text/html");
boolean ok=EMailMessage.isValidEmailAddress(userEmail);
// TeamCCHelper.service.emailMembers(null);
System.out.println("Email Queue got started.");
Following is the output which I got
Connected to PDMLink!
User present in Windchill and his email id -
EMailMessage message submission failed
EMailMessage Can't find resource for bundle, key This is
for test
EMailMessage subject: For Windchill test
EMailMessage not submitted to: -
Email Queue got started.
I'm using this*/api/wt/mail/EMailMessage.html#addPart(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.String) method from EMailMessage class to add content in text content in my mail.
Also I have placed my ResourceBundle class in package which I mentioned in code.In the output am getting the statement that I have given inside the
ResourceBundle class.
Can anybody tell me why this "EMailMessage Can't find resource for bundle, key This is
for test" is giving like this though I have ResourceBundle class in place?
Or Is there any other way to add text content to email using API?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Problem solved.
I forgot to register/Compile resourcebundle classes with ant command.
Then I run the following command from windchill shell and it got solved.
ant -f bin/tools.xml bundle*
Problem solved.
I forgot to register/Compile resourcebundle classes with ant command.
Then I run the following command from windchill shell and it got solved.
ant -f bin/tools.xml bundle*
COuld you please provide the details on what are the entries required in the resource bundle file placed at "" as mentioned in the mail thread.