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Does anybody know the proper procedure to update the database password for Windchill (after it's already been changed in Oracle)? Is it as simple as changing wt.pom.dbPassword via xconfmanager? Or is there more I need to do? Windchill 9.0 M030, Oracle 10.
So I used xconfmanager for file (propagating changes) and it worked seamlessly. I am a newbie, so my questions may be somewhat fundamental.. but in this particular instance I'd found the following statement in the documentation (properties.html), so I didn't know if I needed to use the command on both the AND the file (I didn't and it still works):
In the properties.html file under Database Properties:
"Windchill's database layer uses the following properties to access the database. They can be set in the standard file, but they are usually kept in separate files identified by the and property settings. The values in these separate files override those found in the file. Database properties with the prefix "wt.pom" are generally defined in the file and properties with teh prefix "com.ptc.core.query" are generally defined in the".