Hi all,
I´m searching for an opportunity to eliminate all, for example, drawings in the Revise dialog, by the User depending on his needs.
My initial idea was to create a View with the Filter “Document Category – Not Equal to – Drawing”.
But this doesn’t fit the requirement!
It just makes the thing worse, because with this View the Drawings are already content of the Revise dialog.
The only thing I got, is that the User doesn´t see them anymore and is not able to deselect the Drawings by himself
If I use a default View like “Parts” it´s the same result. I don’t see the CAD-Document any more, but because of the deselect logic, they will be revised anywhere.
Where is the sense of any View without “all” in deselect dialogs?
Why I have to deselect the items I don´t want to revise, instead of selecting those I want to revise?
Is there any idea to fit the requirement not to revise some special Documents Types controlled by the User depend on his needs?
You may want to check your preferences at the Site/Org level, and also have users check the preferences at their individual levels for the Revise Collector. You can set it so that when you pick an item(s) for revising, only that item(s) get initially brought in and nothing is collected. Then you can decide to pull in more items using the collector in the window.
Thanks for your answer!
I tried out your idea, but unfortunately this dosn´t fix my problems
So I decided to create an Idea Change the logic in revise dialog from “included” ... - PTC Community
and hope these issues will be fixed by PTC.