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Hi Guys,
i am using windchill pdmlink 10.1 m040. i want to make batch files to automatically start and stop all windchill services. kindly send me the scripts exactly.
Start.bat ->
net start NameApache
net start NameWindchill
Stop.bat ->
net stop NameWindchill
net stop NameApache
REM Delete Tomcat logs and logs
if exist <Windchill_home>\Windchill\Tomcat\instances rmdir /S /Q <Windchill_home>\Windchill\Tomcat\instances
cd <Windchill_home>\Windchill\Tomcat\
mkdir instances
if exist <Windchill_home>\Windchill\tasks\codebase\com\infoengine\compiledTasks\file rmdir /S /Q <Windchill_home>\Windchill\tasks\codebase\com\infoengine\compiledTasks\file
cd <Windchill_home>\Windchill\tasks\codebase\com\infoengine\compiledTasks\
mkdir file
del /S /Q <Windchill_home>\windchill\logs\*.*