With Windchill constantly creating new folders for vaults it seems a bit difficult job for the back up team. We have the vaults mounted on Linux. Windchill version is 10.1 M040. Please list the tools / stratagy you are follow for backing up Windchill vaults. Also would appreciate suggestions on how to manage the growth of the vault size in terms of folder architecture.
Linux is very good with handling hundreds of thousands of files in folders - that is a good choice.
For backup I suggest using rsync to do a mirror copy of the vaults. If you do not have a backup yet, ideally start the initial backup over the weekend, then use a daily rsync copy to keep the vault copy up to date. This will let you just copy the changes, rather than having to copy the whole vault over.
You need to define a strategy for vaulting from an application perspective.
Multiple vault strategy could be used as well but I would recommend a multiple root folder setup than a multiple vault setup because of the overhead of vaulting rule validation unless your business demands data isolation. In one of our implementations we have a multiple vault setup, specifically because we have archived products(not used) isolated to separate vaults and is stored in basic drives(less expensive) and active products are in vaults stored in moderate to high speed drives.
Barry Wehmiller
Your solution it's exact what I looking for.
I have only a doubt.
In case of restore data, the backup of the folder rootfolder1 may be was backupped in a different date of rootfolder2, then the MOUT_VALIDATION_DATA folders not allineated.
Does this situation cause problem to mount the data vault after data restore?
I am on Windows Servers and use Robocopy to back up my vaults nightly. It captures any changes made during the day. I then try to backup thye backup vault to another server once a week. I time my robocopy to finish before IT does their disk backups.