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This is the first time I am trying to use a proxy process. I am trying to use it in a change activity workflow so that it doesn't get so messy. I have an expression robot getting information from the parentChangeOrder before a user task that uses a variable that gets it's value from the expression robot. If I avoid the proxy process all is good and it does not error out. Once I go down the path of the proxy, it will execute the last process before the proxy and then give an error that seems to point to the variable parentChangeOrder. However none of the code has syntax errors when I check. I do have the parentChangeOrder in both the activity workflow and the proxy workflow (and actually started without it in the proxy). Is the proxy process supposed to have a sync robot in the beginning? PTC documentation isn't much help. We are on 11.1.
ERROR [WfPropagationQueue.PoolQueueThread-211] WF_EXEC_EXPR Administrator - compile - OUT: warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor '' less than -source '1.8'
E:\ptc\Windchill_11.1\Windchill\temp\ error: cannot find symbol
parentChangeOrder=com.ptc.windchill.pdmlink.change.server.impl.WorkflowProcessHelper.findChangeOrder( (wt.change2.WTChangeActivity2) primaryBusinessObject);
symbol: variable parentChangeOrder
location: class WfExpression128742472
Note: E:\ptc\Windchill_11.1\Windchill\temp\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error
1 warning
You need to map the variable parentChangeOrder.
So, let's say you have two workflows, A and B.
Workflow A is the workflow that your proxy robot references.
Workflow B is the workflow where the proxy robot resides.
In both workflows you need to create the parentChangeOrder variable. The name does not need to match but the object type of course does.
In workflow B select proxy robot, select the reference workflow (workflow A) and then select the "Variable Mapping" tab.
You will see all the variables from the workflow A, that the proxy robot references.
Select the parentChangeOrder variable > Update Mapping.
In the Initialize from and Copy to drop downs you will see available all variables from workflow B of the same type as parentChangeOrder (from workflow A). Select parentChangeOrder (from workflow B).
That's it.
Hope this helps,
It turns out that since I had copied the major workflow into this one so I wouldn't have to recreate it all over, I forgot to delete the Start transition code out of the Properties. Once I did this, all was good.
Thank you for your insight.